Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top Albums #9 - Beach House - Teen Dream

This album really couldn’t have a more descriptive name for the material on it. The airy vocals and lullaby-like lyrics submerse you in the feeling of gazing out a window and letting go.

Alex Scally and Victoria Legrand are the pair behind Beach House. Like a far more relaxed White Stripes, they clearly pulled the best out of Baltimore. Both of their voices accent each other well, Legrand’s often drifting across each song like a breath.

This album literally eased me into the world this winter. I would put it on at the beginning of my shifts while working early mornings at the CBC. While it didn’t put me back to sleep, it had a gentle way of keeping me calm while returning me to the world of the living.

Top Tracks – Silver Soul, Norway

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