Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top Albums #5 - Black Lips - Arabia Mountain

There are just some albums that make you feel cool while listening to them. The best way I can describe it, is by telling you about something I like to call “Airport Songs.” An Airport Song is basically your soundtrack while walking through the terminal. 

I came up with the expression after watching the movie Blow where Johnny Depp struts through an airport while Ram Jam’s “Black Betty” blares in the background. 

Ever since I first saw that movies, I have a habit of finding a great song to listen to while I make my way to my luggage. Arabia Mountain is an entire record of Airport Songs.

It sounds a hell of a lot like the Ramones, the Kinks, Sex Pistols, and at times a few hints of the Stones. Not in the kind of way where someone can accuse them of ripping off those bands. No, this is more of a love letter to dirty rock and roll – just the way it was supposed to sound. 

This record is also special to me because it was the final album I bought from my favourite store Criminal Records before it closed. I remember that hot afternoon in Toronto like it was yesterday. I walked in, looked around, and then asked what they were listening to lately. Arabia Mountain was the record that he put on. 

I’ve been blasting it ever since then.

Favourite Tracks: Raw Meat , Family Tree , Modern Art , Dumpster Dive

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