Monday, February 14, 2011

Ignoring the Grammy's

While I was in my egg ignoring the Grammy's last night, they handed out awards to three bands I have loved for years. I'm not complaining at all about missing the program. After all, I can watch the performances I want to see online today without all the over-the-top pandering to the industry. Still though, I would like to say a few things today.

First on Muse winning the best rock album; it's about freakin' time! The three-piece from Devonshire has been knocking people's socks off for more than a decade now. What I like about them most is that they really know their own formula and use it well. It really was true love for me when my roommate introduced me to their album Absolution. That mix guitars and electronic synth hooks on a synth still remains one of their best tricks.

Also, Muse really play up the fact that they are meant to be seen live. I got the chance to watch them before they were billed as "the greatest stadium band in the world." That was a bit much for me to take in, but let them have their fun. They know how to put up an amazing set with the Who level volume to back it. Also, aside from being an amazing guitarist, lead singer Matt Bellamy has an ability to belt out vocals in a way that no other mainstream rock band can. Seriously, there's none of that growling Kroeger-esque style heard in far too many bands. I played a song for my dad one time and he instantly starting comparing them to Queen. Go back and listen to Absolution, it remains one of my favourite rock albums of the 00's.

The second band that got some much deserved recognition last night were the Black Keys. Not only did they win best alternative group but they also took home best rock performance for Tighten Up. I have expressed too much love for these cats on here already...but what's a little bit more? They really did accomplish something great with Brothers. You need to look no further than the other powerhouses they were up against in the alternative category to see how big of an accomplishment this really is. Americans simply go weak in the knees for Vampire Weekend (I still think Contra wasn't very good, but that's just me). Great work for the Keys and they deserve it. Although in my books, as good as the album was - I think their sense of humour won me over just as much. When you get a chance check out their appearance on the Colbert Report. It featured a five-way, gangland style brawl versus Auerback and Carney, Vampire Weekend's Ezra Koenig, Stephen Colbert, and a member of the  National Academy of Recording Sciences. Laughs were had.

Finally, the Arcade Fire, again a band I have already harped on about. What I will say about their win for best album last night is that it really did deserve it. The Suburbs is an album that continues to grow on me after every listen. Every now and then I still discover something deep in their lyrics that I hadn't noticed before. I'll let other people talk at length as to what this album does for independent record labels (they are on Merge). I think I'll also leave the gratuitous sentiments of Canadian patriotism to be spewed by countless individuals who had nothing to do with the album. To celebrate this win, I think I'll just do what everyone should really do: listen to it.

In the end, it's just another awards show. I would like to think that none of the people I've spoken of set out to win anything when they started their creative process. That may be a little naïve, but it should be right. For now, let's just enjoy what we have to listen to and discover more music which will no doubt make headlines as 2011 moves on.

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