Thursday, December 20, 2012

#8 - David Byrne and St. Vincent – Love This Giant

#8 - David Byrne and St. Vincent – Love This Giant

Every now and then this feels like a David Byrne record. Other times it feels like a St. Vincent album. More than anything, it feels like a proper collaboration with two great artists. Annie Clark and David Byrne pass the lead back and forth so well, it never feels like one is outshining the other. It works so well, that it seems like a no-brainer they would choose to make this record.  

That’s the odd thing too. When Love This Giant was announced, it seemed a bit like a gimmick. After listening though, that skepticism melted away with each song. 

Not that it should have come as much of a surprise. 

St. Vincent albums are usually a pretty fun mix of different tempos and styles. The same could be said for almost everything David Byrne has done in his long career. Shame on me for batting a lash when this record crossed my path.

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