Monday, December 17, 2012

The Top Albums of 2012 

I get it, I really do. I do not spend nearly enough time on here actually posting anything. If I have one excuse, it's that I now write for a living. Finishing that only to add more on here, just feels...well, like more work!

But that is not to say I haven't been listening. In almost every waking minute, I have perked up my ears and enjoyed what 2012 had to offer. Hell, I even went back to 2011 and found far too many records I missed that year.

As always, this list is of course my preferences. You may not agree with them all. In fact, I almost guarantee that you will not. But my biggest goal, like in year's past, is to help you find something you may not have listened to this year. And even more so, find out what I missed so I can enjoy it in the new one.

If those wacky Mayan's were right, we're going to have one hell of a soundtrack when all that fire and brimstone starts raining down from the sky!


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