Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Concerts on the Horizon - January 25 Edition

Every now and then, my friends the Lauras (yes, there are two of them) and I exchange our picks for what gigs could be worth checking out. It's usually a tough process that reflects the usual Thunderdome rules: "Two bands enter, one band leaves."

Like many of you, I was noticing a pretty bleak outlook for the new year of concerts...until fairly recently. Give it time and things will pick up. So Lauras, here's my wish list as of now for Toronto:

Best Coast and Wavves - Sunday, February 6 - the Phoenix
Call Best Coast overrated all you want, I still like their music. Plus as readers of this blog will note, I'm a sucker for a good female vocalist. I could care less about Wavves, but I'm welcome to the prospect of being surprised by a band.

Interpol - Tuesday Feb.15 - Sound Academy
No more Carlos D...which could mean the band may lack something live. Then again, I saw them when he was still in the band and I wasn't really blown away with what he brought. OTHER than his suspenders!

Cold War Kids - Friday, March 18 - Lee's
Can we all agree that March is good for nothing? Here's hoping more bands like CWK will play some gigs. I saw them in England and have been wanting to see them again ever since.

Destroyer - Thursday, March 31 - Lee's
I haven't had a chance to listen to the new album yet, but I have heard good things from Criminal Records and Now Magazine about it. That's usually a good indicator that you should check out a band like this.

The Mountain Goats - Sunday, April 3 - The Opera House
Good friend to both myself and this blog Dan Boser is a big fan of these guys. You HAVE to trust in your friends who know music.

Cut/Copy w/ Holy Ghost! - Thursday, April 7 - The Sound Academy
If there was ever a good use for the Sound Academy, I'm sure it would be packing in a lot of people to dance. I love the 80's revival sounds of Cut/Copy and have wanted to check them live for a while. Sure hope their new album Zonoscope yields the same quality as In Ghost Colours did.

PS I Love You - Saturday, April 9 - The Garrison
JUST in case I don't get to see Death From Above 1979 during their reunion shows, I would like to see the next best thing. There I said it, sorry for making you a substitute PSILY!

The GO! Team - Sunday, April 10 - The Opera House
This concert will get you ready for the long slog through the week. High energy music from Brighton. Plus it's a Sunday night, so that means most of the kids will have to be in bed for school the next day. Fuck you All Ages Night! I got screwed out of gigs when I was under 19, so why should this generation be treated any different?

Foals with the Naked and Famous - Saturday, April 30 - the Phoenix
I saw Foals way back in 2007 while they were headlining a local music festival in Nottingham. They had just started to get a lot of buzz around them and were a lot of fun. As for the Naked and Famous...my buddy Dan Clancy pointed them out to me recently. Think good-natured melodies with a Passion Pit feel to it.

The Kills w/ Cold Cave - Sunday, May 1 - Sound Academy
Don't know this band too much, then again I've heard good things....so maybe?

...And You Will Know us by the Trail of Dead AND Surfer Blood - Tuesday, May 3 - Lee's
I would go to this show for the sole reason of how ...Trail of Dead and Surfer Blood make one epic title together! On the other side, this gives me something to look forward to in May. Both great bands. I'm in.

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