Saturday, January 1, 2011

Live acts not on the list, but worth mentioning

The sheer amount of music I got to see live this year really was a gift. No matter what happened through the year, I could always count on music. Much like my top ten albums list, there were just too many bands to put on the list. Some for a reason. Here are just a few worth noting:

Spoon - Sound Academy - March 29

I came to this show wanting to see Deerhunter and found myself enjoying Spoon more. Impressive considering I thought their latest album was a little overrated. Their performance did what many gigs often do, made me appreciate it a little more. 

Julian Casablancas - Koolhaus - April 2

It was fun to watch Julian Casablancas, but he's nothing without his fellow Strokes. I like his solo stuff, but not enough to not find my mind drifting during the gig. Also a bizarre melange of band members was almost distracting. When he played a couple of  the Strokes' standards, all I could focus on was his guitar player who looked like his roady. The sound was also way off. It was like watching Nickelback (shudder) backing him up on Somedays. That in itself is a nightmare I never want to relive.

Phoenix - Ricoh Coliseum - October 22

Easily the biggest victim of a bad venue this year. I don't care what band goes there next, I refuse to ever step foot in Ricoh for a gig again. This was simply a money grab by some dick promoter and wasn't fair to either the band or its fans. Phoenix played as fantastic as they always do live, but if I were them I would be insulted. Not only were they interrupted by a restless audience of which I wonder were true fans, but the were they denied a true encore. All so the venue could be changed into a rink again for the next night. That's not even mentioning the fact that they were shoved onto the stage at an insane time. My friends and I arrived casually late by half an hour and missed BOTH opening acts of Wavves and Tokyo Police Club and the first two songs of Phoenix's set. I was livid to the point where I actually snapped at a security guard who pretty much pushed me to the door when the lights came up two minutes after the band left the stage. Luckily I've seen the band a couple of times before, so I know what they're like when they get the respect they deserve. Ricoh clearly isn't concerned about music or its fans, therefore they should keep out of its way and stick to crap hockey games.

Library Voices - The Horseshoe Tavern - September 30

One of the most intellectual bands as far as lyrics go. Look for references to Kurt Vonnegut and Milan Kundera in them. A joy to watch live after listening to them for so long. They have loads of energy while on stage and should not be missed.

Black Mountain - The Phoenix - October 31

Easily Canada's best psych rock band. The second time I've seen them and the second time I've left feeling like I had just taken a trip to the 70's. The best Halloween party I could have gone to this year!

 The Most Serene Republic - Mod Club - December 1

Probably the last time I will make an effort to see MSR. Once one of my favourite acts to watch live, I was really disappointed to find out that Emma Ditchburn had left the band. While they still put on a great show (despite some hard luck with tech glitches) Ditchburn's absence was really felt. It changes the entire dynamic and takes away from the songs that she added so much to. Hard luck really for the Most Serene Republic, especially since it was her choice to leave.

 Junip - Lee's Palace - November 5

When Jose Gonzales puts his long-dormant band back together, you drop whatever plans you may have had and go see them. I loved finally seeing the Ghost of Tom Joad performed live. My only complaint was with some loud mouth in the audience. If you want to talk at the top of your lungs, don't go to a fucking folk concert!

The Black Angels - The Phoenix - October 31

My first time seeing them in Canada and the first time I actually liked them. Supporting Black Mountain on Halloween, they came out and played a spooky set in masks.

Ra Ra Riot - The Mod Club - December 1

For some reason, this was only my first time experiencing Ra Ra Riot . They reminded me a lot of Vampire Weekend. Lots of good melodies and energy, plus I easily fell in love with their cellist Alexandra Lawn. Look up a picture of her, she's beautiful AND talented. I immediately sent a note to the Wilderness of Manitoba's cellist Stefan Benjevic the following day asking him why he couldn't look like her. He told me that it was not the first time he had been asked that question.

 Zeus - The Mod Club - May 27 

One of Canada's most promising rock bands to hit regular radio play. Look for Zeus in the new year to take a place among the Trews, Sloan, and other similar bands of the same vein. A ton of fun to watch live and to date, have the best Genesis cover song I have ever heard.

Neil Young - Nathan Phillips Square - October 3

This may be cheating a little, but Daniel Lanois unveiled Neil's latest album Le Noise this year at Nuit Blanche. I would love to say that I like the album, but instead it just makes me sad. I'll draw a lot of flak for this, but I simply don't like it. A prime example of when fading away is preferable to burning out with a feeble attempt at a classic album.

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