Friday, December 30, 2011

Top Albums #3 - Miracle Fortress - Was I The Wave?

Graham Van Pelt is the strong silent type. But only off stage. When you see him at a gig, he easily blends in with the rest of the crowd while he wanders around politely chatting with people who recognize him. When the stage is his, it’s like watching the real man come out of his shell. 

After a long break between records to tear it up with Think About Life, Van Pelt’s return to Miracle Fortress was exciting. After falling in love with Five Roses, everyone wanted to hear what he had come up with after such a long break. I couldn’t be more surprised with what he had come up with.

Where Five Roses followed a mellow and dream-like path, Was I the Wave? cranks up the tempo. I know some people were initially disappointed by his move toward a more electronic sound – but not for long. At its core, this record is closer to Five Roses than you might think. 

Van Pelt always has an affinity with writing lyrics that sound like they’ve floated in on a breeze. Like Beach House, he makes music that doesn’t just inspire daydreams – it does most of the legwork for you.  The only difference between the fantasies you have with Five Roses and Was I the Wave? – is the added beat which allows you to bob along.  

Because Miracle Fortress’ ability to focus on what people hear inside a song, this record is easily one of the strongest electronic releases this year. There aren’t many albums that encourage you to lay on a beach and stare at clouds while at the same time recommend you get up and dance. Was I the Wave? is the exception. 

Favourite Tracks – Raw Spectacle , Everything Works , Miscalculations , Tracers

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