Thursday, December 29, 2011

Top Albums #6 - Atlas Sound - Parallax

I don’t think anyone can debate the fact that Bradford Cox knows how to make amazing music. But on previous solo endeavors the music inside his head hasn’t translated as well to paper. In no way was it ever bad, it just didn’t feel as natural as his previous work.

Parallax doesn’t have that problem at all. 

It actually feels a lot more like Cox had the time to iron out the kinks. When you hear early releases of some songs on this album, they’re great. But when they appear on this record they feel more than just an idea.

In many ways this record actually feels a bit like a continuation from Deerhunter’s superb Halcyon Digest. The most noticeable difference is the tone between each album. This one seems a lot brighter than Cox’s last outing. That isn’t to say it’s light though – it just seems a little more out of the shadows.   

Favourite Tracks: Praying Man , Mona Lisa , Parallax

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