Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top Albums #7 - Timber Timbre - Creep On Creepin' On

There's one thing Timber Timbre knows how to do better than anyone else; create a sense of atmosphere. Each one of his albums seems improve that moody feeling better than the last. Even the title of this record ominously foreshadows what's to come.

Mysterious piano trills or gongs at the right moment really add to the spooky feeling. On others, guest Colin Stetson really punches up songs with the help of his baritone sax.   

This is a blues album that really enhances a chilly, grey day. If you wake up and can see the clouds rolling in, then it's best to throw this album on before you turn on the heat. It will help warm you up.

Even though there's a feeling that something could sneak up behind you at any moment, Taylor Kirk's vocals are still relaxing. Its deep drawl is perfect to sway and drift off with while gazing out at a cold drizzle.

While it has a very calm feeling, this album is anything but lethargic. Just when you think the record is going to come screeching to a halt - there are some very eerie transitions that completely change the tempo.

As far as a blues album goes, this is was the year's best. 

Favourite Tracks: Black Water , Bad Ritual, Woman , Too Old to Die Young .

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