Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 - The Best of a Great Year in Music

Coming to the end of the year you can always count the ups and downs that you had. In my world, the one thing I know I can always rely on is music. Sure some years have a lot of crap releases, but for the most part I can take comfort in knowing that I will have this one constant in my life.

So as I do every year, I’ll be listing off the music that brought me the most joy. The only difference is that this year…I’ll be sharing it with you.

I’ll split them into two different categories; The Top Albums of 2010 and My Top Concerts of 2010.

Where do I get off telling you what concerts were better? Well let’s just say that I tried tallying up how many I had been to this year and lost count somewhere after 25. Does that make me an expert? No. It does however mean I have a big list to pick from.

As a clever ruse to try and encourage you to keep coming back, I’ll be counting them down on a day-to-day format. Please leave your comments on what you thought of them.
If you were at the concerts, tell me what you liked or didn’t like. If I missed the mark on the records I picked, tell me what I got wrong.

More importantly, please let me know what I missed out on! As much as I’m writing this damn thing for people to check out what I like, I’m more interested in expanding my own musical horizons.

If you think my taste is garbage – which let’s face it, many of you will – spin over to Criminal Records’ website at . Every year they put up the staff picks for best records and THIS year they’re taking a list of their customers picks for a special list.

One final note: keep in mind that a top ten list is excruciating to come up for a guy like me. I literally start thinking about this two months ahead of time. Imagine something along the lines of Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity…except all the characters are arguing inside my head. I tried my best! Enjoy.

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