Monday, December 13, 2010

Top Albums #10 - The Tallest Man on Earth – The Wild Hunt

I don’t know what it is that Scandinavians have to draw on for inspiration, but somehow they just get folk music. In this case, Sweden’s Kristian Matsson shows that he shares the pedigree of the many who have come before him.  

I first heard the Wild Hunt in my record shop and demanded to know what it was right away. It's impossible to listen to this album and not be instantly touched by the vocals. At first it reminded me of some long lost Dylan album, but the longer I listened I realized it was something very new.
Matsson reaches out and grabs you right away. From record’s start to finish, he plucks and plays his way across a picture of longing, love lost, and some triumph. During of this, the Wild Hunt still manages to be the perfect album to slow down with.

That’s kind of all I have to say about it. It’s simply a beautiful album that doesn't require multiple listens, yet I can't help but go back to it. 

Top Tracks – You're Going Back, King of Spain, Love is All…come to think of it ALL of the B side. 
N.B. It will require some sleuthing online, but if you can find the Matsson’s previous work with the band The Montezumas, you will be treated yet again.


  1. What about The Montazumas Album that he did. "blame the dogs"

  2. Shit. Looks like I did not read till the end....
