Monday, December 31, 2012

#2 - Grizzly Bear – Shields

#2 - Grizzly Bear – Shields

At times, this record feels like something a band like Pink Floyd would have put out. It does that in the way it carries your mood both up and down. With Shields, Grizzly Bear drifts each song into the other in a way that makes it flow unlike any other record this year.

This was the record that made me the most nervous this year. The band's last release Veckamatist was so good, topping it almost seemed impossible. The Fleet Foxes had a similar problem with Helplessness Blues; how do you follow up an amazing record while still pushing the band forward? Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out.  Shields however, does not not fall victim to the same trap.

It's a new record that feels like the band has grown, but not like they have started over. I've always felt it was important for bands to move forward, but remain the same band. In this instance, Shields feels like a natural progression for a band to take. 

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