Friday, December 28, 2012

#3 - Grimes -Visions

#3 - Grimes -Visions

While Madonna pranced around arena shows in a cheerleader outfit - Grimes was tearing up small gigs with little more than her synth set-up.

Why invite the comparison between the two? Well there is the obvious juxtaposition of one act struggling vainly to stay in the spotlight, while another career takes off. But, if you listen closely, you can hear the early Madonna influence inside Visions. It’s a record built on strong vocals and incredibly catchy songs. But that's ultimately where the comparison ends.

I'll admit that more than half of the time, I have no idea what the lyrics are. In fact, I've been guilty of singing along "meow, meow, meow" during some of the higher pitched sections. Despite that lyrical ambiguity, this is an album that makes you want to sing along with the words you don't know.

From all accounts I've seen and heard, Grimes is one of those perfectionists that wants you to hear what she does. I’d like to think she accomplished that with most of us.

Top Tracks: Genesis, Circumambient, Oblivion 

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