Monday, December 17, 2012

#10 – Sharon Van Etten – Tramp

#10 – Sharon Van Etten – Tramp

One of those records where you find yourself searching why you love it so much. There’s always that one little thing you can’t quite put your finger on. It’s not incredibly unique, if anything it has a bit of a familiarity to it. But that’s not to say it isn’t original or even half-assed. 

At the core of Tramp, is Van Etten’s ability to write a strong song.  Some begin in the throes of heavy layers, others are bare and build up to it. Then there’s Joke or a Lie which drifts by dreamily with Van Etten’s soft voice guiding it along. She has one of those charming abilities to belt out lyrics or simply let them escape her lungs. One of my favourite lyrics of the entire year is found on the second track: “You’re the reason why I’ll move to the city, or why I’ll need to leave.”   

Then there’s the back-up. Featuring the likes of Beirut, the National, and Walkmen – quite possibly the reason Tramp feels so familiar. But in such a good way. 

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