Friday, December 28, 2012

#4 – Father John Misty – Fear Fun

#4 – Father John Misty – Fear Fun

J. Tillman is the funny one. I once spoke to him after a solo gig in between Fleet Foxes albums, and he claimed he didn’t do it intentionally. But whether he likes it or not, he's hilarious.

That sense of humour doesn’t appear to be showing any signs of letting up either. Found inside the best looking album cover of the year, where you would typically look for the lyrics, is something completely different. Two massive posters containing what is best described as a short story called “Mostly Hypothetical Mountains.” Amazing.

Once you get through all of that, there’s the music. Fear Fun knocks the socks off anything Tillman ever did with Fleet Foxes. It’s full of bright and often strange tales that are only appropriate after the small novel that accompanies them.

It’s great to hear Tillman’s voice on the entire record too. The main reason Helplessness Blues ended up being so boring, was that it didn’t feature enough of him singing behind the drums. Back in the spotlight on his own project once again, he shines. 

I almost wore out a Sub-Pop sampler on record store day this year thanks to a sneak peak of FJM. Luckily there wasn't too much time in between it and the full record.

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